Friday, April 8, 2011

My Journey

Well it has been a while since I wrote last and, I have been trying to figure out how to send pictures and things to my blog post. Can't figure out how to do it yet but I will get the hang of this in the mean time I got myself a new phone. I will probably end up paying a fortune on it at the beginning of the month knowing me and knowing the cell phone companies not telling you the inside details of things.

Well it has happened. My job has come volunteer job has come to an end as I knew it would someday. it actually ended this week because I went and cleaned it on Wednesday. Wednesday people were pulling stuff apart and taking things down. Things were just really differen't in the temple because there was not any work to be done there there was nobody to greet you when you came through the doors and the doors diden't automatically open up. Those of you who are non members of the church no one is aloud to go inside unless you are a member of the church and you are worthy of a temple recommend which means you have to meet church standard and be worthy. You have to pay and honest tithe. keep the 10 commandment. Honor and obey the laws. Be truthful and do the good and virtuous things in order to enter the temple. No body off the street can just enter the temple only worthy members of the church. We hold that sacred because it is God's Holy House. I truely believe that. There wasen't any work being done in the Lord's House. It was all quiet. Peace is there.

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